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Created 7-Nov-06
Modified 12-Nov-12
Visitors 1608
49 photos
This is my hometown ... I often carry my camera around town while going for a walk, and will post some of my views of Perkasie here.

Categories & Keywords
Category:City Scenes
Subcategory Detail:

Borough HallShops on Seventh StreetRailroad TracksTwin BridgesLake LenapeStores Along Seventh StreetAlden House ApartmentsOld Perkasie FirehouseShops on Seventh StreetShops along Market StreetChamber of CommerceGrim, Biehn & ThatcherGrim, Biehn & ThatcherSouth Sixth StreetFirst Savings of PerkasieCovered BridgePretty WomanGilbert's Hair Styling